The organization offers to rent administrative (office) and production facilities.
Reference information by phone 8 (0225) 72 46 88.
On the territory of the enterprise there is a retail store. In the store you can buy the entire assortment of products produced by OJSC “Bobruisk Tannery”, as well as leather goods of “KING” LLC.
Shop JSC “Bobruisk Plant Tannery” Address: Bobruisk, Minskaya str., 142а
Opening hours: 08:15 – 17:00. Lunch 12:30 – 13:15.
Weekend: Saturday, Sunday tel .: 8 (029) 542 08 91
The processing of tanning raw materials on a give-and-take basis.
Reference information by phone 8 (0225) 72 46 91.